This is a most unusual malady and I think it was triggered when my hay fever type allergy went into overdrive on Christmas Day and I had a violent few hours of sneezing and something went pop in my eardrum.
Ironically the Missus had bought me several CDs by Philip Glass and I've sort of managed to listen to these with my good ear and buzzing and delayed sounds in my dodgy ear. But as it's Philip Glass that may also just be the CD.
I'm assuming it's just an infection of some sort or a temporary bit of damage to the eardrum as I'm not keen on life with dodgy hearing and I'm asuming it will sort itself out after a trip to the doctor.
On the plus side, of course, it does mean whenever the Missus or the Boy are taking the piss I can pretend I haven't heard them and ignore them completely. In fact I could do this with everyone if I don't feel like talking.
In some ways it could be the perfect Christmas present...