I've just spotted this story in the Goole Chronicle, the local paper from my home town of Goole.
This is, of course, the paper that also reported other such gems as the mobility scooter pensioner who robbed the local post office, the man who was spotted having sex with a horse by a train full of schoolchildren, and the adulterous Muslim doctor who prayed to Mecca before he had sex with his love rat patient.
'A former Goole resident's dying wish was to have 'I would rather be in Goole' engraved on his tombstone in a Somerset cemetery.
Kenneth Richardson was born in Goole but moved to Banwell in North Somerset more than 30 years ago.
He died aged 78 in February this year and after his death his solicitor revealed the strange request in his will to surprised members of the Banwell parish council prior to his burial.
Acting on his behalf, solicitor Jenny Brading, of Powells Solicitors, sent a letter to the council which said: "'He was born in Goole and his place of birth remained of great importance to him. His will was supported by a letter of wishes in which he stated that he wished to be buried in Banwell and for his tombstone to be engraved with the epitaph."
At a recent meeting councillors in Banwell granted Mr Richardson's last request, providing the word 'Frankly' preceded it.
The clerk to the council - who is also called Ken Richardson - explained that the council originally rejected the first request because they thought the phrase would offend some people. They made the suggestion to add the word 'Frankly' as they believed that this phrase was 'less offensive'.
Kenneth Richardson, who had no close family, left his entire estate to Save the Children and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.'
I'm liking this...