‘So why is he called Cyclops?’
‘Because he shoots laser blasts out of his eyes.’
‘But that’s not what a cyclops does…’
‘I said that’s not what a cyclops does. A cyclops is a mythical creature which has one eye and… Well that’s it.’
‘Well when Cyclops is in his superhero costume he has a visor with a long thin lens which opens to emit the laser blast. So in effect his blasts come from one focal point or eye so it looks a bit like a cyclops.’
‘But he’s wearing glasses.’
‘He’s not in his costume yet.’
‘Is he short-sighted as well then?’
‘No. It’s just that…’
‘I think Cyclops is a rubbish superhero name.’
‘Well it’s better than two-eyed-mutant-with-potential-short-sightedness-who-shoots-laser-blasts-out-of-his-one-eyed-visor-man!’
There is silence. The missus thinks for a moment. Sometimes this is not a good thing.
‘I’m going upstairs to pack.’
‘Are you leaving us?’
‘Only for a few days. I’m going on a works trip to Italy – and you are now son-who-was-going-to-get-present-but-isn’t-anymore-man.’
I snigger. The missus moves her disapproving gaze onto me. That’s two of us without presents…
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