It was a brief affair that started when she decided she wanted to learn to drive but not go on the road until her confidence was sufficiently bolstered. The simulator offered its services, she accepted and all looked rosey…
But then the simulator didn’t offer her the full support she required, she started beating the shit out of it on a regular basis and the simulator didn’t like it and started to withdraw its services.
But things really came to a head when she tried to change into second gear on her most recent lesson and the simulator wouldn’t let her.
So she tried to change again.
The simulator wouldn’t let her.
So she tried to change again.
The simulator wouldn’t let her.
So she tried to change again.
The simulator wouldn’t let her.
So she finally complained to the woman running the simulator – and it turned out she’d forgotten to press the clutch while changing the gear. Oops…
At this point most people would admit their mistake. But the Other Woman is not the sort of Other Woman who readily does this so she spent the rest of the lesson trying to confuse the simulator by giving it contradictory commands, hitting the buttons in an aggressive manner and generally forcing it into meltdown.
The Other Woman was victorious. The simulator is now in counselling.
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