And I mean livid. The sort of 28 Weeks Later red-eyed rage which means she moves at great speed and operates with greater-than-normal violence.
This is because the Other Woman is in the throes of buying a flat with her fella and they’d found somewhere, put a deposit down, got it taken off the market and were in the final stages of the purchase.
The flat in question, however, is part of quite a swish-looking complex and they were all systems go until somebody noticed a discrepancy with the address – and it turns out the flat they wanted to buy was not for sale at all. Like ever. Never was – even though it was widely advertised and the sale had got quite far before anyone realised the mistake.
Now I’ve heard all types of stories about greedy and crooked estate agents and crap and incompetent solicitors. And it may be true – or the people who are selling the place may have had a better offer and have chosen to lie rather than admit to the sort of shady gazumping practises estate agents and cash-hungry vendors are famous for. But this mistake/lie really takes some beating.
Which is quite ironic because I think she’s now on her way round to beat them and roundhouse kick the fuckers to death. If her fella doesn’t get there first…
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