And I was blown away. He was utterly unassuming, thoroughly charming and incredibly polite – and he didn’t seem at all bored that I was probably asking him the same questions he’d been answering for the previous several hours.
Even better when I ran into him a corridor later on he quite happily drew me a picture of Bart Simpson and signed it to the Boy without a second’s hesitation. To this day he remains No.1 on my list of people-I-have-interviewed-who-impressed-the-hell-out-of-me-by-actually-being-really-great-in-a-not-at-all-arrogant-way.
So as a major fan of him and the series I had high hopes of the Simpsons Movie and I’m pleased to report that in an age of over-promoted shite it’s good to see this big-screen version is still smart, still funny and still delivers the goods.
The plot concerns a prophesy, an ecological catastrophe and a plan to destroy Springfield and I could go on for ages about my favourite bits.
But that would be dull. It just works. Go see it. You’ll laugh. A lot. And you’ll probably leave the cinema singing ‘Spider-pig, Spider-pig…’
PS. Die Hard 4.0 is pretty good fun too.
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