Paterson Joseph of Peep Show fame played the title character who is ousted when his corrupt regime becomes too much for his fellow countrymen and he has to flee for his life from rebels out for his blood. While on the run he faces up to the ghosts of all those he has maligned before finally facing justice.
It's the third time I've seen Joseph on stage after his roles in An Oak Tree and Saint Joan and each time he's thoroughly impressed me. The play may be a little thin on story but it only runs for 70 minutes and Joseph is thoroughly engaging as the swaggering emperor brought down to his knees by his own guilt and people.
Sadly one of the ushers at the National, a rude old thing with a face like a slapped arse who obviously got her kicks from playing the jobsworth card, pissed me off on the way in. I was going to write a letter of complaint but then I realised I should rise above it and instead wish her and all her progeny slow and lingering deaths.
Actually that's probably not right either so instead I will write a letter of complaint as my taxes fund that bloody institution so effectively I'm paying for somebody to be unpleasant to me.
Fucking arts funding. Cut the lot of it...
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