Consequently I have been dropping allergy tablets by the truckload for the past two years in an effort to stem the constant sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes.
A few months ago I was discussing this problem with a friend and one of his friends joined (ramraided her way into) the conversation and suggested a good homeopathic remedy was to take honey with tea. So I tried this and, even though I can't tell whether it's working or not, I thought I'd persevere...
Then yesterday I saw the previously mentioned conversation interloper and I realised that she is an idiot which means I have followed the advice of an idiot. In fact if she had told me to rub excrement all over my face and put the word 'homeopathic' in front of her suggestion I would have probably given it a go.
The Missus and the Boy are right. I am an idiot but even worse I am now an idiot who follows the advice of other idiots. There is no hope...
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