At the moment it's Islamic fundamentalist this and Al Qaeda terrorist that. So I just thought I'd give a quick thumbs-up for the sterling work currently being carried out by the Scientology movement.
It's easy to knock a religion based on a totally fictitious series of sci-fi novels written by L Ron Hubbard, a pulp writer who was famously quoted as saying: 'I'm going to invent a religion that's going to make me a fortune. I'm tired of writing for a penny a word'.
It's also easy to laugh at a religion that boasts those heavyweight intellectuals Tom Cruise and John Travolta among its most-famous followers.
And it's hard not to grin a smirk of admiration at the German government who are out to ban Scientology because they view it as a cult that suppresses people and their personal freedoms.
But I think good on the Scientology movement because in these days where nutcase Muslim fanatics from the Arab world are getting all the fundamentalist religious press, it's good to see the Western world producing a few fanatical zealots of its own and at least trying to even up the score.
So well done you crazy Scientologist mothers. Fine work...
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