And lo and behold she and her cute new red-headed haircut were in attendance so after class we sneaked off to the pub for a quick drink. The Other Woman works for a national newspaper and is a fellow word butcher and we often swap stories on the vagueries and idiocies of our trade and tonight she sought the following opinion:
'I had a piece today and one of our critics likened a TV show to something that had the intelligence of a slug with learning difficulties. Would you have let that go through?'
'The slug bit or the learning difficulties bit?'
'The latter.'
'Good. I changed it. I thought it was funny but I still changed it.'
'I think it's funny too but what we laugh at in the privacy of a pub and what we should foist on the general public are totally different things.'
'I thought you'd find it funny but would have changed it too.'
'That's because we're very alike. In an alternative reality we are married and happy but spending loads of time ripping chunks out of each other...'
'Which is strange because you'd think in an alternative reality you'd go for a change and try to find a wife who wouldn't continually call you an idiot and patronise you to death...'
I ponder her point. Maybe even in alternative realities I am still something of a masochist. I nod, sagely.
My Other Woman has me nailed bang to rights. It's probably why I love her so much...
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