She was also quite sexy and I confess I had a bit of a crush on her. But she's back in touch and I'm hoping we'll get to catch up in real life rather just in cyberspace before too long. So I am discussing this turn of events with the Missus...
'You remember I told you about Harry?'
'The girl you were friends with at college?'
'Yes... Well she's got in touch with me and invited us down for the weekend to visit her and meet her kids and her fella.'
'I'd be up for that.'
'I always really liked Harry. She liked me too. We were both serious students at college among a sea of people who weren't. We bonded over books.'
'Did you fancy her at all?'
'Yes. I always thought she was quite sexy...'
'You were friends with a lot of girls at college, weren't you?'
'Yes. Which is surprising as I wasn't the catch then that I am now.'
'Well you were their non-threatening straight friend...'
'What do you mean "non-threatening"?'
'Well you weren't a sexual threat. It's like girls having a gay friend. There's no worry you're going to sleep together. So you were their non-threatening straight friend.'
'I wasn't a leper. I had girlfriends at college! They might have done!'
'How many of your friends who were girls that you found 'a bit sexy' did you sleep with at college?'
'Not many...'
'How many exactly?'
'I'm going to watch the football...'
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