He came up up with the initial concept but, as per usual, I've shot off at several angles and come up with what I think is some pretty nifty stuff. In order to do this I've taken a notepad and started doing storyboards but the only problem with this is that I'm sub-nursery standard at art.
But I've persevered and done quite a bit of work on this, even though my artistic failings have somewhat hampered my progress. Anyway while on holiday me and the Missus have made friends with a lovely family with two young kids from the Portsmouth area.
So I was sitting down sketching storyboards and writing dialogue and the little boy, seven, comes to sit by me and asks what I'm doing. I explain myself and he decides he wants to do some drawing too and rushes off and gets his notepad and starts to draw. And he's better than me.
Then to add insult to injury his sister, four, sidles up and asks the same question. So I explain and she also deicdes she wants to draw too. And she's about my level.
Humbled by children. But I tell myself I'm a writer and not an artist. Well, a not-very-successful writer. Up till now...
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