And the Boy is aghast that she's turned it down as in his eyes she missed out on getting some free stuff, such as a copy of the game which would have obviously gone to him.
'I can't believe you turned it down. Can't you contact him and tell him you'll go? Or better still contact him and tell him I'll go?'
'Sadly the invitation was only for me...'
I now get interested.
'What do mean you it was just you?'
'How do you mean?'
'Well wasn't anyone else invited?'
'No. It wasn't for anyone else. It was just me...'
'Was it in a discreet hotel room somewhere by any chance?'
'Don't be ridiculous.'
'I suppose he's quite a hunk is Mr Lego Batman fella, is he?'
'He is quite attractive, actually...'
It as this point the Boy again intervenes.
'Well you should go see him and get me some free stuff then...'
'So you think your mum should commit adultery to get you a free game?'
The Boy doesn't even pause.
'Yeah. Obviously...'
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