The conversation is pretty convivial, the food is good and all is going well – until the discussion gets onto Leon and I happen to mention that I thought Natalie Portman was very attractive in the film. There is a moment of silence then the Other Woman's Fella points out that she was about 13 when that movie was filmed and suddenly the entire table looks at me as though I should be on some type of register.
I try to defend myself by explaining the film is not just about the central character played by Jean Reno but also about the sexual awakening and maturing of a young girl heading towards womanhood but it doesn't work. I may as well have been Peter Sutcliffe or Fred West for the rest of the evening...
The next day I am at a county pool match and I relate the discussion to my county team-mate the Web Guru And Antique Cue Expert and he ponders the situation and gives his opinion.
'There are people that it's OK to like in your head but you should never talk to anyone about them...'
That's probably very good advice. Or maybe he thinks I'm some type of pervert too...
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