The downside of this is that she and our other cat, Buffy, are now starting to run into each other several times a day and they're sort of working out how to handle each other amid the snarling and hissing.
Buffy, of course, is a lethal killer and regularly brings us 'presents' of the small, furry and bloody variety at 4am in the morning, prompting the Missus to turn into the housemaid from Tom And Jerry cartoons as she shrieks for help while standing on the bed.
Willow is also showing signs of following in Buffy's footsteps as a mouse recently escaped from Buffy and ran through the gap under the living room door a few weeks ago. The poor mouse obviously thought it had made it to freedom. Then it ran into Willow and she made short work of it.
To encourage this disposition the Missus has recently bought three toy mice which Willow now chases and savages around the kitchen. Last night she also climbed into our bed and decided a certain part of my anatomy was also fair game, meaning it's padded boxer shorts in bed from now on.
Anyway... the upshot is I now have two female cats in the house, all of who can sometimes be affectionate but have clearly decided that brutal violence is a much more entertaining option.
Can't imagine where they got that from...
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