And when I head off to play pool it's almost like a holiday from myself where I can let rip and gob off a bit and play the goat for a day and this character trait is amplified when I have weekends away with my pool-playing fraternity of friends.
And one of my little habits on these weekends away is to invent a new game that will keep my team-mates amused and give us something to do when we're not playing pool besides drink. So it was bearing this in mind that I came up with Call My Muff!
The rules are quite simple. A player pops his hand into a big bag called the Clown's Pocket and pulls out a bit of paper. On this bit of paper is written the random title of a porn pastiche of a mainstream film. The player then has to give cryptic clues until the other players correctly guess the film then they have to work out the porn pastiche title.
RANDOM CLUE: Life is like a box of chocolates.
FILM ANSWER: Forrest Gump.
REAL ANSWER: Forrest Hump.
Whoever correctly guesses the porn pastiche film title on the card then pops their hand into the Clown’s Pocket and the game continues until a set number of points is reached or, more likely, everyone gets bored and goes to the pub.
It was a hit at the weekend and I may yet patent it. And my favourite film title? Glad-he-ate-her! It's genius.
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