I try to explain to him that he can't have done this as I also love films and have been an avid movie viewer since my early teens and, as I've also got an extra 22 years on him, it's highly unlikely his claim is accurate. But he still doubts my veracity so we decide to settle it mano-et-mano by naming all the films we've seen in alphabetical order.
We begin with the letter 'A' and are still going strong 50 movie titles beginning with 'A' later, until it's my turn and I'm struggling so come up with anything.
So I plump for 'Ass-turbators'.
The Boy looks at me then carries on with his next entry and I then offer 'Ass-turbators II'. The Boy stops me.
'What exactly is Ass-turbators?'
'It's an adult film...'
'You mean porn?'
'You can't include porn films!'
'They're still films...'
'They're not allowed in this, though...'
'You let me have Aunt Peg earlier...'
'That's because I didn't realise it was a porn film...'
'It's beautifully lit and acted actually. It's not just a porn film...'
'Pick another movie beginning with A...'
'Ass-turbators III?'
'You're an idiot...'
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