Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Some New Year Thoughts...

Here are some things I've recently learnt:
i) The Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy is much better when you watch it as a trilogy over a couple of days. It is also much better if your wife buys it for you as a surprise Xmas present in flash box-set form and agrees to watch it with you.
ii) At times I can be quite funny. I've worked bloody hard on the script for Message For as the readthrough on 22 January approaches and usually I'm sick to death of any script when I've put this much work into it and worked on it for so long. But this still makes me laugh so it's possibly a bit good.
iii) At times I can be funny but I also can go too far. I've realised some of the jokes in Message For are funny but also fucking disgusting. The most disgusting of these are obviously going to stay but I may get rid of some of the more rubbish/sick/utterly-tasteless/possibly-unfunny gags.
iv) Starting the new year with a bad muscle injury in the leg at martial arts is both fucking annoying and fucking painful. And I even spent longer than normal warming up and stretching. Arse biscuits...
v) David Cameron is still a truly awful man with no moral compass or compassion for the most vulnerable members of society.
vi) Michael Nyman is very good and I shall be buying more of his work in 2013.

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