Monday, May 01, 2023

54 Not Out! Part III...

My first classes at BJJ as a 54-year-old were an exhausting affair. Three hours long and I was done at about the two hours and 30 minutes mark. 

I still felt a bit like a dude, though. Given, it was an absolutely fucked and ready-for-bed dude, but it was a dude none-the-less.

When I got home, I had the below waiting for me:

It was a leaflet about a test for bowel cancer. Because the elderly are most at risk. Don't get me wrong, I'm utterly delighted to get this. I already owe the NHS my life. The fact they want to extend this gift is amazing. 

But it could have waited for a few days. My body was so buggered, I didn't need a reminder that I was that bit older...

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