Now this may sound terribly poncey and not at all the sort of thing that a rugged, hard-drinking, pool-playing, ass-kicking Yorkshireman would ever do. Never. Ever in fact. Fortunately he didn’t turn up and it was the chilled-out, latte-drinking, metrosexual, would-be writer version who visited instead.
For 30 minutes of pampering it was £20 and (outside of women, books, drugs and the odd good play) it was possibly the best £20 I have ever spent.
Now, though, I am feeling the need to let the other version of me loose because the gentleman playwright side has been indulged far too much of late.
But he’s currently being caged by nice-smelling things from the shave. For the time being anyway… Probably until the next pool tournament.
Which is Saturday. Oh dear…
I'm almost tempted to try it for msyelf, but I am strangely reluctant to allow someone else to shave me. My friend had his bollocks shaved by a stranger, and -
In hospital, I mean, not in any kind of high street establishment. Anyway, he said it was the most nerve-racking thing that he'd ever sat through. If that was the case, I'm not sure why he went back the following week.
Several people did make helpful comments about cut-throat razors and Sweeney Todd before I left.
But it was fab. Well worth the trip.
And ball-shaving? That's another story...
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