I went to a clinic to be allergy tested today and it was a jolly odd experience.
For a start I was feeling very crappy and drowsy because I was ordered not to take the industrial strength allergy spray and tablets I’d been prescribed for three days before the tests. So I arrived at the clinic looking like death warmed up.
I was then stamped on my arm with a long rectangular stamp that had various initials marked in ink. These represented a sample of each element I was getting tested for and a droplet of each element was then placed next to the corresponding initials on the stamp markings on my arm. Finally I was pricked near each sample liquid so my skin soaked up each of these droplets and they could see what reacted and what didn’t.
It turns out I have developed hay fever and something called non-allergic rhinitis over the last year. It’s a pain as it means I’ll be on medication for a while…
The comedy news, though, is that the temporary ink tattoo isn’t coming off so it makes me look like a death camp survivor. And secondly the pin pricks are all nicely welled up so anyone who sees me looking like shite then notices my arm may well mistake me for a junkie.
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