But the film version of Frank Miller’s graphic novel 300 is out in the UK soon and myself and the Boy have tickets to see it at the Imax.
The film is based on the story of the 300 Spartans who sacrificed themselves against a huge Persian army to make the slumbering Greek empire wake up and defend itself, thus preserving its legacy of democracy, art and philosophy for the rest of the world.
It’s an epic film and it looks utterly stunning. And as Frank Miller is a favourite artist and writer of both of me and the Boy it promises to be a real treat.
It is a sign of how excited the Boy that he is actually venturing out with just me for company. On an evening. Where other people can see him. With me. Who will not be as fashionable or as hip as him.
But if anyone asks he'll probably use his usual line and say he's taking me from the 'special' home for a night out. The shit.
I’m also heading back to Goole the day after seeing this film so a few hours of warfare, fighting and violence will handily prepare me for a Saturday night out in my old haunts should I decide to head for a pint down Aire Street – or Blood Alley as it’s affectionately known to locals…
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