My first breakthrough came at hapkido where I finally fell out of a front throw for the first time. Like properly. Legs over head and everything.
This is quite a basic thing for most students but it’s something I’d struggled with for three and a half years. And it’s been bloody annoying because my falling under my own steam is quite good and I knew I could fall out of this particular throw but I just had a mental block on doing it.
But yesterday the clouds parted and, hey presto, I think I’m in business.
Breakthrough two came when I finally realised I couldn’t include everything I wanted to write about in one play. So I’ve decided to write two plays instead. And in a moment of genuine serendipity I happened to chance on one interview about venereal disease in Victorian England that unlocked everything in terms of the structure and characters for the first one.
So I now have a former sailor who is so rotted with VD that he has a wooden nose.
I’m also naming him after my father-in-law. He’ll be pleased…
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