I also needed some advice on my latest fixation so I sought her counsel.
‘I’ve got a bit of a problem…’
‘Are you talking to the cat again and expecting a reply?’
‘Well it’s not actually a problem. It’s more of a confession really…’
‘Go on…’
‘I really like Kate Nash.’
‘I see…’
‘I think her single, Foundations, is great and I’ve found the video for it on the web and I watch it repeatedly at work…’
‘Go on…’
‘I also think she’s cute.’
The Other Woman looks at me. There is pity in her eyes. I continue…
‘It all started out when I bought the Lily Allen CD last year…’
At the mention of Lily Allen the Other Woman makes a sound a little like a leopard before it pounces on a gazelle and tears it to shreds…
‘…and I thought it was great and she was cool and now I’m really into this summery pop feel-good music. And I think Lily Allen's great and Kate Nash is pretty fabulous too and I’ve been onto the latter’s Myspace page and had a nosey around. She’s from Harrow you know…’
The Other Woman sighs.
‘It’s OK to like to rubbish music. Me and my sister saw the Scissor Sisters last week…’
‘I recently downloaded tracks by Wham!’
‘Jesus. You’ve out-camped me!’
‘I shagged Elton John too.’
‘Did you?’
‘No. I made that bit up.’
‘But thinking she’s “cute” is just pain wrong.’
‘I know…’
‘You’re 38 and she’s 18. You see where I’m going with this?’
‘You think I’m Chris Langham?’
We terminate the conversation. We buy more drinks...
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