I am explaining this theory to the Boy who has a look of utter bewilderment on his face as all his did was ask what I thought of a church we’d just passed. Fortunately I am close to the end of my sermon on Catholicism:
‘…the bottom line on any religion for me is that it should be a positive force for humanity and Catholicism spreads its belief system in already impoverished countries, converts the local populace then tells them they can’t use contraception to protect themselves against the already established threat of Aids. So in many South American and African countries where Catholics have gone to spread the word you have impoverished local communities where Aids is widespread and health workers can’t teach contraception because it’s against the religion. So not only is the disease spreading but the population is growing and large numbers of those newborn are born infected.’
The Boy ponders my sermon on the roof terrace of our hotel then chips in with:
‘I may convert to Judasim.’
The Missus is now intrigued – and a little worried. She is deeply cynical about any organised religion.
The Boy replies.
‘They may sacrifice pork and their foreskin but they do get really good holidays…’
We concede he has a point. The Boy is perhaps a comedy genius…
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