Rather stupidly I'd headed into the gym the day before to work on my jabs on a heavy bag and I'd got carried away and done skipping and weights and sit-ups and stuff so my body was still jaded when I arrived today.
I'm currently trying to pop into the gym at least once a week on my own so I can drill my basic punches and punch combinations and sharpen them up. I've also been doing this so I can get my wrists used to hitting heavy targets and get them used to the wear and tear this obviously entails.
But it's quite hard work as I am not technically the most gifted of pugilists and, to quote the Missus, I have wrists like a girl.
Today I also got the chance to have a light spar with my trainer and even with him going at a slow speed he still looked ridiculously fast. His hand motions and his rolling and slipping were so fluid there were times I was watching him and his technique when I should have been watching where his hands were heading. Oops...
Thankfully he's more interested in encouraging and teaching me than hitting me. Which is probably just as well considering he's very good and very fast...
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