As usual the Missus has left several of her ever-growing hangbag collection lying around the place so I am gathering these up as I go along before I head into the kitchen to see if the Boy has emptied the dishwasher.
I enter the kitchen and the Boy is lounging on the sofa while the Missus is ironing in the corner.
'Have you done the dishwasher?'
'No yet...'
'Well can you do it please?'
'In a minute.'
'How about about now?'
'In a minute!'
'I asked you to do it 20 minutes ago. Why do you always have to make such a song and dance about anything I ask you to do?'
'I don't...'
'You do actually. You're such a big bloody girl about stuff like that.'
'Says the man wearing four handbags...'
The Missus looks up and laughs. The Boy sniggers. I am probably the most emasculated man in the world...
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