This is a bit of a pisser because I thought I'd written something pretty good when I submitted the next two episodes. But the judges obviously thought not.
Fortunately I have faith in the scripts I submitted and I'll hang onto them and tinker with them and maybe submit them for something else in the future. I've written enough rubbish and watched enough bad stuff to know when I've written something that is strong on format and good on gags. The time for this show will come...
In the meantime I went to training last night, which was good, then had a few pints with my fellow hapkido students, the Other Woman and surprise guest the Missus, which was lovely, and suddenly the disappointment wasn't quite so awful.
Then this morning two ideas I've been playing around with suddenly crystalised in my head and I couldn't get to the keyboard fast enough. And the Boy's home from uni and seeing him always makes me happy. And there's also the play about cartography to finish.
I'm lucky. I remain too ambitious and have too much good stuff going on to stay down for too long...
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