Bukowski took on all manner of heavy labouring and dignity-stripping menial jobs to fund his writing and he virtually lived on skid row for many years before making it. One line of income that he did dabble in, however, was writing erotic stories for porn magazines so this is one thing I’ve always secretly liked the idea of doing.
And this possibility came a step nearer when a recent conversation with a work colleague revealed she had spent a small part of her career doing exactly that and she kindly explained the ins and outs (pardon the unfortunate phraseology) of the industry.
I was discussing this with the Other Woman and a mutual friend last night and they also voiced an interest in this line of work so we are now each writing a 500-word porn story with a possible view to publication in any of the UK’s leading jazz magazines (personally I want Razzle solely so I can list The National Journal Of Speech And Drama, The Daily Express and Razzle on my writing CV).
Anyway we have two weeks from today to produce the finished articles. And I’ll obviously publish my results here…
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