GRAMS: Downbeat Klezmer music plays.
A middle-aged man sits in his office at a factory. He is smartly dressed in a suit waistcoat and trousers. His shirt sleeves are rolled up and in front of him are several bottles of wine and spirits. Some are empty and a few dozen empty glasses sit on the table before him. He drunkenly pours himself another drink from one of the bottles. He carefully goes to drink it but cannot coordinate his movements and misses his mouth. He mutters a drunken curse and his head flops onto his desk. He snores.
Cut to…
A factory worker rushes into his office.
Sir, sir. The troops are coming…
Cut to…
The man raises his head. A pen from his desk is embedded in his head. He looks perplexed. His hands fumble over his head but he cannot find the pen.
Cut to…
Thee factory worker.
Sir. The troops…
Cut to…
The man has located the pen. He yanks it out and looks at it. He then turns to the factory worker.
Troops? Fuck ’em!
He flops his head back onto his desk. The factory worker shrugs and walks out.
From Dreamjerks Pictures, the untold story of a Holocaust hero… Schindler’s Pissed. Coming to a cinema near you soon…
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