So here's something from a new play that I thought was quite good. You may, of course, disagree...
Grams: Copperhead Road by Steve Earle.
Thirtysomething Texan Amelia walks on stage in a swimming costume with a towel draped on her. She is wet and is talking on the phone. On-stage is a hold-all which has a dog. The dog yelps from inside the bag.
Yes, papa, we were close at one point and he did break my heart a little – but that’s because he is a man and when it comes down to it all men are just sons-of-bitches who should have their peckers cut off then be left to bleed to death in a pit full of pissed-off vipers. (Pause) No, papa, of course I don’t mean that about you. I’d never cut your pecker off. Nor leave you to bleed to death in a pit full of vipers. I mean, how would momma feel about that? (Pause) Damn right she’d be pissed off… I mean, you with no pecker and momma with no man. She’d be mad as hell and we don’t want a mad-as-hell momma, do we? No sir! (Pause) Just don’t you worry about me, papa, because I’ll find him and if that no-good son-of-a bitch has taken your money and thinks he’s not going to repay his debts then I’ll just have make sure the no-good son-of-a-bitch becomes a dead son-of-a-bitch! (Pause) And thank-you for the dog poppa. I love him so much. (She kicks the bag. Yelp!) No I’m not at all angry that he chose to defecate all over my freshly painted bedroom. After all diarrhoea brown goes so well with rose petal pink, don’t you think? No, we’ve got over that little spat and now he’s even coming for a swim with me. He looks so cute. You know, I think he’s gonna like the water so much that he won’t want to get out of it. (Pause) I love you too papa. And I’ll call when I have more news. (She turns the phone off. She addresses the bag) Now sweetcheeks, why don’t we see if you can breathe underwater.
She picks up the bag and walks off.
Cut to…
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