And it wonderful. The setting was fab as the interior of Guildford Cathedral is much prettier than the somewhat pedestrian looking exterior and the acoustics were very good. And despite the fact the score was in German, and despite the fact we sat near two little brats who kept talking throughout the first half, and despite the fact neither of us are religious (I tried it and lost interest and the Missus is a long-time atheist), we both fancy having a dabble with some more live Bach and other stuff.
I think we'll probably look for something a bit more user-friendly next time: the Missus likes the Russians and ballet and I like the modern minimalists like Arvo Part, John Tavener, Steve Reich and John Adams. But the initial seed has now been planted and sitting in a big space with nothing to do but listen to music is a lovely way to spend a few hours.
Obviously, fucking is much better but at my time of life I need a breather every now and then.
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