Now I'm sure Andrea Corr is lovely. I even liked The Corrs before they got famous. And I mean really famous. I still have fond memories of sitting in a Surbiton pub in 1997 or 1998 and first seeing the video for This Is The Right Time on VH1 and thinking 'That's jolly. I like that. I'll buy the album.' And I did. And it was jolly and sweet and beautifully sung and well produced and the instrumentation was very slick.
But Andrea now taking one of my favourite songs and doing a cover version of it has ruined that memory. It's like finding out the drama teacher you always loved and respected at school was not in fact giving you a concentration exercise when he put his hands down the front of your trousers during your 'special' lessons.
For those not in the know Tinseltown In The Rain is an Eighties electro piano and guitar ballad-cum-cry-of-pain for a lost love and for me it's evocative of a certain period and certain feelings. Everyone has such songs. But sung by Corr it now has all the visceral emotion removed and is sacharine in the extreme.
It's like she's taken on the role of Hamlet and forgotten about the tragic indecisiveness, the Oedipal relationship with the mother, the faltering desire for revenge on the stepfather and the passion for Ophelia and just gone 'Tell you what. I'll play it for laughs.'
But it's hard to hate a Corr. They're all so lovely and beautiful and talented and wholesome. It would be like taking a Bramley apple to a nightclub populated by Premiership footballers and letting them rape it one by disgusting one while the drunken punters formed a circle and clapped encouragement.
So I'll just express my disappointment via a sob. And go listen to the Blue Nile original. I will feel better then...
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