Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PJ Harvey...

There is much excitement at From Beer To Paternity Towers with the impending release of a new PJ Harvey album, Let England Shake.

Previous Polly Jean Harvey incarnations have been grunge rock chick, sashaying vamp, cosmopolitan sophisticate and ghostly waif and, like her ever-changing image, her music is a constantly evolving thing moving from grunge to blues to rock to folk with a bit of electronica thrown in.

She remains one of the few artists who strive to create something new with every release and each new CD rarely disappoints. I think she's bloody wonderful and her creativity and immense musical talent are things that should be celebrated. She is really that good with a body of work to back it up. She is a national treasure.

Having heard two tracks from the latest CD it seems she's gone a bit Patti Smith meets William Blake with musings on Albion and its current state.

The album is out on 14 February. Can't wait to hear the rest of it...

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