Sunday, February 26, 2017

Foot Drop: Part II...

One of the benefits of having a swatted foot is that I'll need some type of walking aid to help my mobility. So I am currently looking at hand-carved walking sticks. 

I want something that is both beautiful and weaponisable. It could be a long search. 

In other news, I also have a new thing that has arrived from nowhere. It's an underactive thyroid gland, so I'm now on medication for life if I want to void fatigue, depression, nausea, constipation, lifeless hair and irregular periods. That last one may not apply to me.

It's nothing major and it affects one in 50 women and one in 1000 men. The fact that I am the one in 1000 men is obviously a blow to my masculinity as it suggests I am part-woman. The Missus says this makes me 'special'. I fear it was not a compliment, though.

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