Friday, October 18, 2019

Carry On Teacher: Part I...

I am trying to work out what I want to do for the next 17 years of my working life. 

I don't mind journalism. But the industry has changed beyond all recognition in the past five years. I enjoyed doing it and it formed a significant part of my working life and it paid pretty well. It's also where I met The Missus, and it funded our life together and allowed us to bring The Boy up and for us all to do lots of cool things together. So I am not ungrateful, although I also worked bloody hard for everything I got out of that industry. 

But I'm not sure I want to be part of it any more. So I'm exploring other options... 

I like the idea of script editing and I think that would play to my skill sets. I also still have much love for Corrie and Emmerdale, although landing a job on two of TV's biggest shows is probably an ambitious call. And I'm up against bright young things with trust funds to pay for their work experience.

I'm also continuing to write and punt scripts out. But that is also a long-shot and, even if something is good enough, it still has to land.

So I'm looking at teaching. Ironically, I was going to move into teaching following my first couple of years out of university, but I got into journalism and it paid the bills while I was doing the things I anted to do. And it was the same story when I arrived in London, too. 

But now me and The Missus has a steady routine and we're not those young and ambitious people any more. I also like the idea of doing something that has the potential to do some societal good, rather than some of the tawdry shit I've been working on recently.

I'm quite excited by this. It's the sort of thing that can even energise an old cynic like me...

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