Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Pool News...

Another year of county pool has ended and it's been a largely forgettable one. I always knew I'd be missing a couple of games when the season began, so any hopes of England trials were always going to be slim. Having said that, I should have still been up in the running if I'd have taken my chances and being more ruthless and disciplined during A Team matches. I suppose a return of 18 wins from 32 frames is pretty decent at that level, though. 

I also played Seniors for the first time this year and it was OK. I struggled most of the season adapting to playing early morning matches when I was usually practising before the county match proper and I carried quite a bit of luck with me, too. But 20 wins from 28 frames is a good if somewhat flattering result. 

The main issue this year has been consistency of approach and performance. After a poor outing at a big tournament 18 months ago, I changed some things around and I've finally worked out how to mix my attacking instincts with self-preservation. I was still thrown by the new pattern of limited practise and early starts I've had to adapt to on match days, though. 

I'm not sure that I'll be back playing county pool next year. I have a new career to carve out and I want to focus on getting my Second Dan at Hapkido and move towards getting my purple belt at BJJ. Those ambitions require physical demands that I may not be able to put my body through for more than a few more years. So they have a definite 'Best before' date.

I also don't want to do anything half-hearted any more and I feel as though I've done that at pool a lot this season because I've been trying to focus on too many other things. I also don't want to do something just because it's a habit. 

The answer for next year is probably to do less better. I just need to work out what that less is and how I get it. But if pool is the thing that goes, that's OK. I've done 715 frames for the county and more than 600 A Team frames. I think I've served my time.

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