Sunday, December 08, 2019

Grading News...

I attended the annual grading at my new BJJ school and I got a couple more stripes on my blue belt to make me a three-stripe blue belt. I'm pretty pleased with this. I feel like I've made genuine progress this year: I now train in no-gi; I did OK when I competed in both gi and no-gi in the summer; and I'm certainly better than I was 12 months ago. 

The school also encourages students to test themselves in competition, which means quite a lot of my fellow grapplers have that battle-hardened edge. This is good because it keeps everyone sharp and on their mettle when we are rolling in class.

Four of my friends also got promoted from white to blue and pretty much everyone else got additional stripes for their endeavours. The two main teachers at the school also got their black belts, which was a great moment. 

When I left London Fight Factory at the end of last year, I worried I wouldn't find a place where I felt as comfortable and welcome. It really was like saying goodbye to a family. So I feel blessed to have found One Jiu-Jitsu in Guildford. They've made me welcome, worked with my skill limitations and helped a 50-year-old have the confidence to compete again. 

I'm aiming to move up a gear next year in terms of training and, with a competition already entered in February, I have a good reason to up my game. Let's go!

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