Saturday, October 24, 2020

Lockdown News: Part XIX…

When I was younger and more radical, I used to think the only good Tory was a dead one. I've softened since then, and I've read about ones I begrudgingly admired and I've met a few I've genuinely liked.

But this current lot are the most corrupt, talentless, vicious and compassion-free bunch of cunts I've ever seen in UK Government. I could probably forgive some of those failings if they had some basic project management competencies when it came to dealing with the current pandemic. But they are so out of their depth, it's genuinely terrifying.

And now they've decided to vote against providing basic food for impoverished and in-need children.

Sadly, this level of contempt and cruelty has been a direction of travel over the last decade and a bit. I genuinely pity anyone, such as the Red Wall constituents, who voted for them expecting the best and now witnessing this.

You hear that? Things are so bad I pity Tory voters. You genuinely can't want this.

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