Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Them's the Breaks...

Wow! It's April already. Where did the time go? Well, most of it went on work and training. And being a domestic goddess. 

The latter is nothing new. One of the plus points of having a low-level tidiness and things-in-straight-lines mania is that Brooks Towers is generally pretty neat. The Missus, however, fell over and broke her wrist in spectacular fashion a few months ago, and she needed a plate and screws inserted to knit her bones back together. So I've basically been domestic staff for a few months. 

I'm obviously not complaining about this. Needs must and all that. But it's made me realise that either we don't need a house this big or I must get a better-paid job so we can hire a cleaner. 

With people and cats dying, work being pretty grim and the Missus injured, 2023 is so far not living up to expectations. Things seem to be settling down now, though. I hope we have a bit of routine normal for a while.

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