Friday, May 11, 2007

Blade Runner...

I was cycling through Hyde Park on Saturday and I cut through one of its main thoroughfares near the Serpentine and suddenly surrounding me were loads of people roller-blading.

The girls were definitely in the minority and were generally thin and Spanish or Oriental, while the men were in the majority and were all thin as rakes and dressed in a ludicrously fashionable manner and acting in a breathtakingly camp way.

As I was cycling through all I could think of was: 'This is the most gay-looking ensemble of men I have ever seen. And they all rollerblade. And the rollerblading with its pirouettes and hip movements actually enhances their gayness.'

I was going to stop and ask if it was a gay men's rollerblading meeting, but then I realised I may come across as a bit of a homophobe so I cycled on.

God knows. Maybe I secretly am a homophobe – or maybe I secretly wish I was gay and able to rollerblade in such a camp and unfettered manner...

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