Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Other Woman News...

The Other Woman has been away in Chicago at the main hapkido school and has returned full of renewed enthusiasm for all things martial arts.

She is also about to become a home-owner with her proper fella and was discussing said move in class with another student. But sadly the other student hadn’t quite grasped our ‘special’ relationship and got a bit confused.

‘So you and Paul are moving in together?’
'Yes. Aren't you going out with the that tall chap with glasses?'
'Er, no…'
'But he kisses you a lot'
'That's because he's my Other Man…'

The other student looked blank. Fortunately the conversation was interrupted at this point but the subject of kissing came up later with a male student who recounted how I happily kiss him too.

I’ve always seen it as a sign of affection because – apart from learning different ways to potentially cripple or seriously hurt people – I’m a bit of a tactile softie really.

But maybe I am an affection slut, a bit like one of out cats who’ll do anything to be stroked.

Or maybe I’m just a slut? But at least I'm a happy slut...

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