Friday, January 04, 2019

New Year, New Start...

Christmas and New Year are done and I'm on track for sorting my shit out for 2019. The last year saw seven months of torment and stress at work, followed by redundancy, followed by five months of de-stressing and transitioning to a new part of my life. 

Whatever that new life eventually is - and there are several versions of it depending on what me and the Missus decide to do - my battleplan for 2019 is to spend as much of the year as I can writing and not seeking paid employment. The great fear with this is that I will basically chill out and spend too much time procrastinating and not enough time delivering work.

So I have to train myself to be better than my worst excesses. But I have pedigree in that area.

Because I've worked in and delivered success in a highly stressful job and work environment for the past five or six years, I know I have the work ethic and the discipline to succeed. And because I continue to train martial arts at the age of 49, I have additional work ethic, discipline and lots of resilience.

Anyway, I made the above notes to self, which are now pinned next to my computer screen. I will report back. 

First job for January: finish the script for the graphic novel. Go!

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