Monday, January 21, 2019

A Content Consumer Recommends...

Here are some things I am watching, reading or listening to at the moment that I think are very good. You may agree, disagree or not care. All of those are fine.

Jessica Jones: Alias by Brian Michael Bendis: Superior storytelling and fantastic art. Gritty, urban and funny. 

A Walk Through Hell by Garth Ennis: Slow-burn horror story about two special agents who end up in a terrifying and increasingly bizarre situation.

The Favourite: Rachel Weiss, Olivia Colman and Emma Stone star in this offbeat historical drama. Cracking script and great performances all round.

Stan and Ollie: Heart-warming story about the greatest double act of all time fighting against the dying of their comedy light and doing a tour of the UK.

Kate Bush Remastered Volume I: Wonderful remastered studio albums from one of the most important UK musical artists of the 20th century. I want Volume II. Now please.

Kelly Moran: Pared-down electronica minimalism with influences from all sorts of wonderful places.

The Joe Rogan Experience: Comedian, UFC commentator and BJJ officianado with more ace guests and sometimes potty-mouthed chat. The Mike Tyson interview is beautiful.

The Disrupters: A journalist and an entrepreneur chronicle the ups and downs of several business success stories. Much better and much more entertaining than it sounds.

Dear Joan and Jericha: Julia Davis and Vicki Pepperdine play often vicious, clueless and self-obsessed agony aunts. Dark and very funny.

Dirty Money: Compelling Netflix documentary series exposing the big bad folk behind stunning corporate crimes, scams and cover-ups. 

Coronation Street: The biggest TV show in the UK is threatening to get back to its very best with missing money and a pregnant teen. Needs a killer, though!

Emmerdale: Still entertaining and moving in equal measures. Bob's descent into homelessness (pictured above) is a fantastic story flying under the mainstream soap radar.

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