Monday, July 15, 2019

Three Times Tables...

I wrote a short play and put it on at Guildford Fringe Festival as part of a new writing showcase last week. It was a 15-minute comedy featuring characters I'd played with before and I also chose to direct for the first time in 20 years. 

I made the decision very early on that I was going to hire three professional actors/friends I'd worked with before. The reasoning behind this was that I'd be working with good people and, if my writing wasn't up to scratch, then at least their performances would cover my inadequacies and help make the show better. 

The good news was that they were great. The script was quite good, too. 

I also did this as a sort of test run to see if I wanted to properly create and direct my own work again and I think the answer is 'Yes'. So I'm planning to do a full-length show involving the same three characters again next year and I'm hoping to get the same cast. 

I now just have to work out what the value of it all is and how I can make it work to showcase my comedy writing and attract an agent. Because it's good to do good work with good people. But it would be better to do it as part of a cohesive strategy that may get me somewhere further up the ladder.

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