Thursday, September 30, 2021

Two Decades and Counting...

I have always had good luck. I sometimes believe this is because I continually try to make things happen, often putting myself in places where good things can happen to me. But I am also lucky. I know this.

Case in point: my marriage. The fact I not only managed to convince such an amazing woman that I was worth a punt is one thing. But for her to take that punt and stick by it for a 24-year relationship is a blessing I count every single day. 

I could wax lyrical for several hundred words about my wife. She made me grow up, her love has made me even more fearless about tackling anything and our life together has just been one massive adventure. We also have our son. He remains a constant source of pride as he does his own thing and makes his own way in the world with his own wonderful other half. 

Any road up, me and the Missus recently celebrated 20 years of marriage together. She bought me cake. I bought her kittens. That sort of understanding is why this works. 

And also the fact that she has the patience of a saint. 

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