Saturday, May 16, 2020

Lockdown News: Part VI...

It was always my plan to write something about Covid-19. My initial idea was to take two divorcing characters from a play about dementia I am currently creating and lock them down in a household together. 

The play would tell the tale of their outright hatred for one another and the reason for their separation. But it would also comment on the incompetent handling by the Government of the crisis and the reporting of it by the Daily Mail. 

Since the pandemic started, I have kept notes on the situation as it expands from the points of view of both HM Government and the Mail, and I am genuinely having difficulty keeping up with the rate of lies, obfuscation and disinformation from both places. Couple that with some particularly vile front pages from The Mail and it's almost beyond satire. And that's before we look at Donald Trump. It's terrifying. And I don't even have my long hair (pictured above) to entertain me any more.

Of course, that doesn't mean it won't get written. I just may need some space from it. But I have found another angle into this and I'm powering on with that instead while I am on furlough from work. 

To quote the Trump, I think it will be 'super duper'. If we don't all die first.

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