Thursday, September 03, 2020

A Working Life: Part I...

I've been blessed to have some very cool journalist jobs in my life and I've interviewed many equally cool people. My Tech Virgin column for Metro, though, ranks as one of the most enjoyable gigs of my career.

Thanks to a supportive editor, I basically call in tech, test it and write about the experience. This means I've played with shitloads of cool bits of kit. I've even got to keep some of it.

I'm currently researching two columns, one of music tech and the other on space tech. Speaking to Lego about something for one of these columns got me chatting about something else. The result was the above little beauty arrived in the post today.

Super Mario Lego may be one of the retro fabbest things ever. I appreciate I am a 51-year-old man and this product is for ages six and above. But it's well dope! For older people, that means it's very good.

The Missus looked at it, noticed the age range and asked me if I needed adult supervision while building it. I think that was sarcasm.

But I've got free Lego. So I don't care.

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