Thursday, September 03, 2020

A Working Life: Part II...

I have won an award at work. It is not a major accolade, but it's a nice acknowledgement that I'm putting the hours in, doing some good stuff and generally not being a horrendous twat to work alongside. Some people even said nice things. 

Sadly, I missed these comments as I'd jumped into another virtual meeting at the time to check out some bits on a story I was writing.

I told the Other Woman about the win and she suggested it was a prize for World's Biggest Idiot. I countered by saying it was actually an award for Hottest Man on Campus. She suggested that may be a lie. I said the jury was clearly still deliberating. Things descended from there on in...

But after leaving one toxic employment environment and briefly ending up in another, it's genuinely nice to be settling into a new job with good people who are supportive and have a good game rather than just talk one. I'm also having to quickly up my knowledge on science and technology, which is great because it means I'm having to amass data on several whole new areas very quickly and I bloody love learning. 

These include: physics, chemistry, engineering, nanotechnology, 5G communications, space science, astronomy, sustainability, civil engineering, ion beam analysis and computer science.

It's basically like going back to school, but this time I have a couple of learning specialisms (journalism, martial arts, pool, writing) that I've spent time on. That means I have the mental scaffolding in place that I can use to build new information structures around. 

To quote Mayamoto Musashi, 'From one thing, know ten thousand things.' 

Anyway, me and the Missus decided to rip it up and celebrate the success big-style with a couple of pints and a bag of crisps. We are very rock and roll.

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