Monday, October 17, 2005

Hymn And Her...

The missus refused to go into the Christian book shop with me on Saturday. I think part of her probably feared she would be struck down by lightning or a bolt of thunder would smite her from above as she crossed the threshold, so she went to some chick clothes shop and I ventured in on my own…

The missus had expressed concern earlier in the week when I mentioned that I’d been looking at Christian websites and I think she’d have been a little happier if I used the internet for good old fashioned pornography like everybody else. But I explained it was for a new play I was writing about a disgraced evangelist and an atheist girl who has the power to heal so I needed to read up on stuff.

The soundtrack from The Omen started on my internal soundtrack as soon as I entered the place and it was a bit of an education. There were Catholic Bibles, Good News Bibles and even a Bible in cockney. There were books by Anglicans, Protestants, Catholics, Pentecostals… Religion is a confusing thing and this is only the Christian bit of it!

Anyway I got in and out in one piece and I purchased a New Testament (sadly not in cockney as I was looking forward to reading the parable about the loaves and the jellied eels) which I intend to start reading very shortly.

Working on a new play is always very exciting as a blank page is just so pregnant with possibilities. It’s even more exciting because I got positive responses from four theatres I really like to a play I sent out at the end of last year and I have another play nearly ready to send out and this one about to start. It’s good to be writing again.

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